Saturday, August 16, 2014

Theodore Survived

Thursday 14th August.
A relatively quite day in camp. Caught up with some washing, a walk into town with coffee and cake in a lovely antique shop incorporating the coffee shop.
Theodore was badly effected by the disastrous Queensland floods in 2010, with flood waters from the Dawson River exceeding four metres above ground level on four occasions during that year. The worst of these floods was on 28th December 2010 when the river peaked at just under four and a half metres and the entire town of 350 was evacuated, mostly by helicopter.

I dropped our crab nets into the river last night but alas I fear we are no longer in Redclaw country as I baited the traps with potato and carrot (as Redclaw are vegetarians), all to no avail. 
I remember as a kid when I used to fish for yabbies in the Merri Creek at Brunswick with a line and meat for bait that we always managed to catch some which we released because we had no idea what to do with them. Maybe as we are now much further south I should revert to using meat in the traps. Watch this space for results....

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