Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day Of The Ecopot

Thursday 7th August.
A large number have moved on this morning so we have moved to a nicer spot beside the gardens and with green grass at our door - a first for some time and quite a change from the constant red earth. We caught up with hand washing then spent some time reading in the sun. It was also an opportunity to make some phone calls and to plan our next move - which in all probability will suffer further changes as we move along. Another pleasant happy hour with our immediate neighbours followed by our very first dinner prepared in our recently purchased Ecopot. (Look it up on the Internet)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, cool product with all the different power options....will make cooking on the road easier. Love the blogs and the Waltzing "Matilda" Country that you described, you guys are having way too much happy for ya enjoying this trip. Take care and keep on the proper side of the road....Steve
