Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Work & Play Day.

Tuesday 13th May.
As we were due to start a 4 hour shift on the Check-in desk at the convention centre at 11:15, we left "home" around 9:00am to catch a bus outside the main entry gate. The plan was to take this bus to the CBD bus interchange, change to a second bus which would drop us both at the convention centre door. However we struck a very obliging bus driver who advised that he could drop us at a particular stop then we would have a short 400 metre walk ACROSS the Todd River to our final destination. The Todd River at this point was about 100 metres wide, a sandy bottom with not a drop of water as is the case most of the time. Consequently we arrived for our shift a good hour early so we went into Lassiter's Casino next door for a coffee.
Check-in was relatively quiet as some 1500 Ulyssians had passed through check-in on opening day yesterday. Gail was reassigned as an usher to direct people to the next available check-in desk and I was also reassigned to the outside car park to direct the often weary riders into the building to be met by Gail and another lady. During our shift from 11:15am to 2:45pm approximately 100 passed through which was a complete contrast to the day before. This was a good assignment as we both got to welcome and talk to all those who came in during our shift.

When we knocked off we again walked ACROSS the river, to the bus stop where we caught the bus into town, a distance of only 3km. Our first stop was the Alice Springs post office to collect an envelope contains our mail from Halliday Shores. Then over a coffee we sorted through this mail as well as preparing a parcel to post to our Great Granddaughter, Kelsey. Gail had just finished knitting a mohair cardigan for her.
Returned to the showgrounds on a bus, then happy hour with our newfound neighbours.

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