Wednesday 14th May.
Today was the final shift of volunteer work that Gail and I are doing. Gail was on the volunteer desk, issuing volunteer vests, water bottles and generally directing volunteers to their assigned posts.
I did a stint as security on the main gate as part of a six person team which involved checking all outgoing bikes and riders to ensure the numbered identification wrist band matched the corresponding numbered sticker placed on the bike.
We both knocked off at 12:30pm, had lunch then went for a walk and caught up with members from our Manning Valley branch who are all camped in tents not far from where we are located.
This afternoon was an Open Day at the showgrounds AGM site to allow members of the public to enter the general traders area, a display area of motor cycles, but not in the camping areas. Additional security personnel ensured that there was no unauthorised entry.
Around 5:30pm we wandered across to the general meeting area to listen to the entertainment, have a drink with a number of our friends and buy our dinner from one of the many onsite food vendors. A good couple of hours was had by all.
Keep up the great work, just feels like I'm there with ya enjoying the atmosphere.....reminds me when I was setting up for Top Gear