Saturday, July 5, 2014

Independence Day.

Friday 4th July.
As we had packed most things up yesterday afternoon and evening there was little more to do than disconnect the water and electricity. I gave the little Toyota Yaris a quick wash before I put the hose away as it is due back to Thrifty in Darwin by 10:00am this morning.
We said our final goodbyes to Wendy and our new found friend Gail then departed the park at 9:00am. Gail drove the Yaris ahead of me to the Chemist Warehouse in Ludmilla where we parked the motorhome and locked everything up, behind the McDonalds store. We then drove the Yaris back to Thrifty topping up the fuel tank on the way.
In the 28 days we had this rental car we covered 1,140 kilometres and only put $120 of unleaded petrol @ around $1.72 per litre into it. It has been a great little car to get around in and one that we have thoroughly enjoyed driving.
After returning the car we caught a bus back to Ludmilla where we had a coffee at Macas then popped into the Chemist Warehouse to sort out our prescriptions which had been sent there from Dr Singh at Taree.

On the road south bound by 11:00am, refuelled the motorhome at Palmerston then on to Adelaide River where we stopped to visit the WW2 war cemetery. This is an extremely well kept and manicured cemetery with several lawn areas containing the headstone plaques for servicemen killed during the period 1941 - 1945.
After a bite to eat we continued on a further 25 or so kilometres to Bridge Creek rest area, arriving by 2:15pm. This is a very popular rest area consequently it is best to arrive before the crowds.

The caravans and Motorhomes started to roll in about mid afternoon and by 6:00 pm we counted a total of 18 stopped here.

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